Respect Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Hartford

The Respect Life Ministry seeks to promote the Gospel by fostering a culture of life in the Archdiocese of Hartford. Human life is precious and entitled to protection from conception through natural death. We offer various services and sponsor events which proclaim this truth and raise awareness of the hurtful impact of abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, the death penalty, assisted suicide, and embryonic stem cell research. We serve as an educational resource on life issues and as a support to parish groups and pro-life advocates in the Archdiocese.


40 Days for Life Campaign
Sep 25-Nov 3, 2024.
40 Days of peaceful prayer and fasting outside Planned Parenthoods in Waterbury and New Haven. Please sign up today: sign up for Waterbury vigil here. Sign up for New Haven vigil here.  Find out more about 40 Days for Life, an international campaign to pray for the end of abortion.

Respect Life Mass and St. Gianna Molla Awards
Oct 20, 2024. Sunday, 11:00 A.M. Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Hartford. Plan to attend the Respect Life Mass at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. The Archbishop presents the St. Gianna Molla Pro-Life Award to persons selected for their outstanding service in the respect life mission in their respective parish or program.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
Oct 25-27, 2024. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat offers a process of healing for men and women suffering from an abortion. Participation is totally confidential. Contact Marie Laffin, Site Leader/Facilitator, 203-631-9030. For more information>

March for Life – Washington, D.C.
Jan 23-24, 2025
. Mark your calendars for the annual pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to the March for Life. Join thousands from across the country to support life! More details to come.

Connecticut March for Life – Hartford
Find out more about the annual Connecticut March for Life in Hartford.

Mass of Remembrance
Annually, the Respect Life Ministry holds a Mass to remember children who have died from any cause – disease, accidents, abortion, abuse, miscarriage. The location of the Mass changes each year to accommodate parishes in different parts of the archdiocese. Watch for the date and location of the 2025 Mass to be announced.

Annual Day of Education
This event is offered by the Respect Life Ministry to support Advocates for Life and Parish Pro-Life Representatives in their Pro-Life efforts. Presentations and discussions cover key legislative issues, information on pregnancy care centers, and building a parish respect life program. Includes Mass and lunch. No fee to attend.

Photos from March for Life 2024
Connecticut March for Life held March 2024

Respect Life Ministry staff and pro-life representatives and advocates gather after their Mass on the Day of Education at the Franciscan center in Meriden. The day featured pro-life speakers on the efforts being made to face critical issues of abortion, assisted suicide, human trafficking and others in Connecticut, with a view to educating on the values of human dignity and respect for human life.

“The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’ message. Lovingly received day after day by the Church, it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as “good news” to the people of every age and culture.” Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life